Boys, Boys, Boys, Everywhere. And I Love It!!!

Boys, Boys, Boys, Everywhere. And I Love It!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lincoln is a Published Author!

One of the cool things about our Elementary school is that they have their own publishing company. This gives the students the opportunity to write, illustrate, and publish their very own book. It was a lot of work, but Lincoln was one out of two students in his class that completed the process. His book is titled My Crazy Day at the Kennedy Space Center. It's science fiction/humor. Here he is at an "Author's Tea" this week where all the kids who published books were recognized and got to show off their books. Both Lincoln AND Lawson are already formulating stories for next years books!


  1. how cool is that!!! Does he have it at home or is it in the school library? I'd love to read it!

  2. awesome...i wanna read it you, auntie ya ya


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