Boys, Boys, Boys, Everywhere. And I Love It!!!

Boys, Boys, Boys, Everywhere. And I Love It!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Big Sneeze

I'll give you the 411 on my 3 fab boys, one post at a time.
I'll start with my favorite first born!

This is what pops up in my mind off hand:
Intelligent school boy, but can also be the class clown. He loves to laugh and he loves to get other people to laugh or just be happy.
Extremely serious yet extremely silly. Politician skills along with acting skills.
Spiritual and in touch with God. He loves to pray for others, and he loves to read his bible, learn his versus, go to AWANA.
Amazing memory. Amazingly mature... in fact he is a wanna-be teenager.
Definitely girl crazy!
He's been a straight A student in 1st grade. He has made a 100 on almost every spelling test, and he has some extremely difficult words to learn.
He is a social butterfly, he loves talking on the phone to family/friends, doing email and Facebook, Skype. When we go out on a bike ride on the trails, all the kids yell out "Hi Lincoln"... everywhere we go he knows someone.
He loves swimming and will be on the swim team for the 2nd year, his favorite event is the backstroke. He has great endurance and form, but needs to work on his speed.
He loves to bike ride, loves to go (and is good!) roller skating, miniature golf, and bowling.
He's such a happy boy! 99% of the time, him and Lawson are best buds and he is an awesome big brother to both L2 and L3.
During his down time or free time he will be found on the computer, or playing his Nintendo DS. He's not much at all into TV these days and doesn't have much interest playing Wii. He loves to go out back and swing on the swing, dig holes in the ground, catch and play with lizards. He has 2 African dwarf frogs, named Will and Conner.
He loves reading and is reading at the highest level in his class... He claims his favorite books are the bible and the encyclopedia.
At home he has 2 nicknames. One is Sharky, because of his love of the water. The other is The Big Sneeze. If you know him well you know why. This boy sure does struggle with allergies! Hives and all. Other than allergies, L1 is very rarely sick.
He pops out of bed every single morning for school with a chipper attitude and a smile on his face. He even hugs and kisses his 2 little brothers on his way off to school (he rides the bus).
Physically, he is tall and skinny (rib sticking out skinny).... Hazel eyes (the only of the FM5), a smile that at the moment contains missing and crooked teeth... candidate for braces! He is currently sporting a buzz cut after 6 months of letting it grow out long with a Justin Beiber style. Cute Kid!

I claim that he takes a lot after my personality... except for a few big exceptions.... I was extremely shy and he is extremely un-shy! He is girl crazy and I was scared of boys. Other than that we totally "get" each other and are on the same scary wave length!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Welcome to my new blog!
Formally Flower Mound Five.... will remain Flower Mound Five...
Explanation for newcomer's: Flower Mound is the cute and cozy town we call home, and there are 5 of us in our family... hence our "nickname" Flower Mound Five or for short FM5

After 5 years, and 2,146 posts on my previous blog, I was ready to start fresh.
Hope you Enjoy!