Boys, Boys, Boys, Everywhere. And I Love It!!!

Boys, Boys, Boys, Everywhere. And I Love It!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School 2011

First day of school 2011.
Lawson started Kinder! He's ready... He is reading level 1 books, doing Lincoln's 2nd grade math work, tying his shoes.... He's such a big boy, he seems to fit in with the 1st graders better! Going to miss this kid who has been by my side 24/7 the past 5 years. Sniff Sniff.

Best Buds... Lincoln is excited to show Lawson the ropes around school. They even sat together on the bus this am. I found out that Lincoln's teacher teams up with Lawson's teacher for reading buddies... which means Lincoln's class will regularly be coming in to Lawson's class to help them with reading!

My big 2nd grader!
Bye Bye Bubba's!!!

Confused! Why did they get into that yellow thing and where are they going? Can I go, too???
After I sent the boys off on the bus, I got in my car and followed the bus to school! I wanted to be there to walk Lawson to class on his 1st day of Kinder! He has the same teacher that Lincoln had for Kindergarten so we know her very well!

All in all, the report from the boys about the 1st day was thumbs up! They both loved the 1st day, and are excited for the 2nd day!
Meanwhile, Lennox started Homeschool-Preschool today! His home school preschool days will include, but not limited to.... art, math, reading, cooking and cleaning instruction, naptime, PE, lot's of field trips, and bible readings!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

just a couple cute pics of my 16month old

You can tell he is teething... the drool and chewing on everything.... He almost has a full mouth of teeth, but is currently cutting his eye teeth, which are apparently the hardest to come through.

Lennox (obviously) loves the see saw in our backyard. A gift from Tom and Courtney a few years back.... it gets a lot of use! The baby sits on one end and bounces himself up and down.

"Hedbanz" game... He loves to act the big boys and put them on his head.

Friday, August 5, 2011

boy, boy, boy mom

I have such a talent AND thoughtful Sister in Law, Courtney!!! Look what she MADE me, and mailed to me!!! So proud to be a boy mom to 3 boys!!! EVERY time I wear one, I get ton's of compliments, and questions as to where I found these shirts! THANK YOU Courtney!!! (the other package you mentioned for boys hasn't arrived yet ???)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Water Bombs

We are experiencing an extremely HOT summer here in the Big D this year. We have had to be as creative as possible to beat the heat, and so far I think we are doing pretty well! It's supposed to be in the 110's this week with no break in heat in the near future.
Today, we had a couple of hours of water balloon fun in the morning while the temps were still bearable! The boys discovered that the most fun thing to do with a water balloon is put it in their pants, and sit down and make it pop! Boys will be boys!!
Thanks to Nanny for sending us the water balloons!